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(+506) 2771-8569

About Us


BambuTico is an agro industrial company founded by Retana Quirós Family. Their main activities are the plantation and commercialization of the bamboo for construction and furniture use.

Bambu Tico has specialized in the bamboo activities such as planting,and utilization of this magnificent and versatile material. We have 30 years of experience in the field, being pioneers in this activity in the country.

We are located at the south of Costa Rica, in San Isidro, Perez Zeledon, at 6 km from downtown.

Bambu Tico offer different bamboo products and we guarantee them, frombamboo plants (more than 50 species), selling immunized material (different diameters), and constructions made with bamboo (houses, kiosks, bungalows, offices, and others).

Our bamboo are previously selected under standards of quality and after immunized with the boucherie system, in which we have implemented improvements in its operative system in order to guarantee our clients a quality product, resistant to the insect attack.

Proveedores de bambú

What we offer?


Contamos con un equipo capacitado en construcciones de bambú, podemos realizar estructuras especiales, viviendas, gazebos o kioscos, instalación de techos, cielorrasos y un sinnúmero de obras relacionadas con bambú. Con el respaldo y la seguridad que nos caracteriza.

Products and Materials

Nuestro bambú sigue un proceso que inicia en la siembra. Para luego, bajo estándares de calidad ser seleccionados, cultivados e inmunizados, utilizando productos amigables con el medio ambiente. Ofrecemos productos con diferentes diámetros y usos.


Fabricamos muebles de bambú a la medida y gusto de nuestros clientes. Muebles para interiores y exteriores como: camas, mesas, sillas, lamparas entre otros más.